Monday, August 5, 2013

We ARE the heroes.

I know that cops who bring disgrace to our profession bring us all down, across the country. I also know as I have noted in my book and in my lectures, that most cops do the right thing. We are all capable of acts of evil, yet the vast majority of cops do not give in to those desires to meet out justice on our own terms. Given the power and control we have over peoples lives and the opportunities for misconduct that are so tempting when dealing with the criminal element it makes me proud to know that most cops do not succumb but instead make us proud.
My good friend and former partner Chief Greg Hestness at the University of Minnesota is always the advocate for all the good things cops do. He helps to keep me on track and remind me of the good work done by so many. The following is from the UMPD Report. My congratulations to all the officers involved especially Officer McElroy.
MP13-251677  JUMPER  1 Portland Ave. S  Officer McElroy responded to a jumper call on the Stone Arch Bridge.  Upon arrival he found a male straddling the railing with his shoes off, telling passerby's he intended to jump.  Officer McElroy engaged the male in conversation and was eventually able to establish enough rapport with the man to convince him to bring his leg back over the railing.  In the process of coming back over the railing, the man lost his balance and began to fall backwards, off the bridge.  Officer McElroy grabbed the man and pulled him over the railing.  MPD officers assisted him with securing the male.  Male was transported to HCMC APS on a hold.  Supplement was added.

***Excellent job by Officer McElroy and all MPD officers who assisted!***
Here are some of Chief Hestness' comments.
I know all the focus is on bad cops again and we give lip service to the good ones out there.  Case in point, Mark McElroy.  He is still on probation, almost done.  I hired him away from HCSO last year.  He was a four year Gopher lineman under Coach Mason, 6-5, 300 plus.  We often don’t credit huge guys with the gift of gab and empathy, but he has it.  ....  I have to admit when it comes to pulling people off the railing, being huge and quick has its advantages.
Gregory S. Hestness
Assistant Vice President
Chief of Police
University of Minnesota
Good Job University of Minnesota Police Department. You make us all proud.
We are our brother's keeper,
Mike Quinn

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